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Get Out of the Stables, Grandma, You're Too Old to Be Horsin' Around

Show Blog for 2/11/23 at Timeless Babez, Tonawanda NY

There’s something special about a bunch of strangers bringing their own adult beverages and piling into a dimly lit basement to listen to local bands play.

First, if you haven’t been to Timeless Babez, go there right now. The shop is a great mix of eclectic, vintage, and local items; tons of great vinyl records too. I also recommend hanging out on the red velvet couch. Very comfy.

The show space beneath the shop, fondly referred to as “The Pit” was, well, a basement. It was long and narrow, but shoulder-to-shoulder with people. Opening the show was acoustic punk/folk Nurse Joyful. Also playing were our old friends in Karma Queen and Buffalo emo veterans, Winski.

A few highlights from our night:

  • Andrew expertly wove numerous quotes into the set from the 1974 Elvis Presley spoken word album Having Fun with Elvis on Stage.

  • Halfway through our song, Y2K (which is about the presumed-but-ultimately-misfired assumption that all computer systems would collapse at the turn of the century) the basement lights unexpectedly flickered, then shut off. The crowd lit us with phone flashlights and lighters until the song ended and we fixed the bulb.

  • Dancing. Lots of dancing. The more people danced, the more we wanted to play songs that inspired people to dance. It was an infectious cycle, and frankly, lots of fun to watch.

This night was a moment, and we’re so glad we could share it with a crowded basement.

And now on to the next one – see you in April at the Tudor Lounge!